Saturday, December 17, 2011

Five Fave Friday: Saturday Edition

I know, I's not Friday.  Sorry friends, I was too busy being awesome yesterday.  So here is Five Fave!  Everything featured is pinned here.

I just found out I have been using bobby pins backward my whole life.

Kevin McAllister.  Who doesn't love this kid?  Classic holiday film.

So true.  No bigger turn off than incorrect spelling and grammar.

Jaba the Hupcake.  Ummm...winning!  

Chewie dog!  I must own him.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Don't worry...this isn't the post where I tell you that my chick on the side said she's got one on the way.  That's coming next week.  J/K, J/K...I hope you guys know the song, otherwise, this got awkward really fast.  If I were a super hero, I think my super power would be creating awkward situations.  Then, my arch enemy would just get so uncomfortable they would leave.  Non-violent, no bloodshed, no messy spiderwebs to clean up...just incredibly uncomfortable to watch.  Alright, we got off topic way fast.  I told you guys a few weeks ago that I would write something worth reading soon, so here it is!

What am I confessing, you ask?  Are you ready for this?  It's gonna get uncomfortable (guess I wasn't too far off topic).  I am confessing my faith in Jesus Christ.  I'm a Christian.  I love my Jesus, and I can't get enough of him. I would hope so dearly that this is clear by my actions and the example I set, but it needs to be said aloud.  I have long believed that the very best way to share God's love and His promises for us is through actions.  Being the hands and feet of Jesus.  And I still do believe that, but I have come to realize that God's word needs to come in to the equation too.  Actions may speak louder, but words carry so much weight.

I've always shied away from conversations about my faith for many reasons.  I'm not a scholar or a theologist.  I don't know the Bible inside and out.  I'm always scared that someone will want to debate me, and I am terrible at debating.  I also worry that I may unintentionally present the Lord as unholy, or say the wrong thing and cause someone else to stumble.  Mainly, because I don't have all the answers.  I've realized though, no person on Earth has all the answers.  No one is perfect.  It's impossible.  That's why I believe, because I'm not perfect.  You don't have to be perfect to accept Jesus, that is what is so simple and so hard to understand sometimes.  You don't change for Jesus, Jesus changes you.  We don't live for God, we live with God.  I want to share my faith because I have been blessed beyond measure, and I want everyone to be able to experience that.  I want to share my source of hope, joy, love, peace, and patience.  I've been selfish for too long.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Five Fave Friday: Extreme Makeover Edition

Well, hello you guys!  You're probably looking around and thinking "Hmmm...something's different.  I just can't put my finger on it..."  I totally changed things up around here!  It was about time.  I taught myself some new graphic designs skills (it sounds more impressive than it really is, technically I don't think it could be called graphic design).  I am in love with the new header!  Isn't it adorbs?  I am so proud of my shiny, new blog.  Very basic, but...I made it myself!!!  What do you guys think?  Do you like the new header/color scheme?  I always love to hear from you.  Also...some things to chew on: I'm considering starting a weekly advice feature.  People come to me constantly for advice.  Not just friends, but total strangers too.  I'm a magnet for broken-hearted and lost people.  What are your thoughts?

Friday, December 2, 2011

Five Fave Friday

Here it is...another edition of Five Fave Friday!  I realize that this is just a cop-out and I promise I'll write something real very soon.  Pinky promise.

Adele is Cosmo's cover girl for the month of December.  She is absolutely flawless.  Yay for curvy girls!


Mental Floss magazine is probably the best thing I have ever discovered.

Awesome temp tattoo from  Maybe stocking stuffers?

Talk about a throwback to my childhood.  How I do miss 3rd and 4th grade.
As always, everything is pinned here.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Five Fave Friday

I bet you thought I forgot, didn't you?  Well, I didn't!  I was too wrapped up in my Harry Potter marathon to concern myself with creating this post until I was finished.  I watched all 8 films, back to back.  This is going to be my new Thanksgiving tradition I think.  Also, in case any of you are wondering, I am so Team Harry & Hermione!  They should be together, J.K. Rowling!  Ok, now on with my purpose.  I was going to do a special Black Friday edition of Five Fave Friday, but I'm not really a Black Friday kinda girl.  So, here are my faves from the week of 11/8-11/25.  They are pinned here on Pinterest.  Enjoy!

HelloGiggles is on the list 2 weeks in a row!  They finally have their shop set up.  Yay!

I <3 Fred Savage.  Who doesn't?

Totes adorbs!  Trying it this weekend.

Hahahaha!  I would own this.  I think I'll make a bank that says "I'm saving up to buy a bank that says 'I'm savin' up to buy a unicorn'"

What can I say?  I love smart-ass people.  :-)
Hope you guys all had a fabulous Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Five Fave Friday

Here you five favorite things from the internets this week!

One of my all-time fave websites now has a forum!  I will waste even more time now.  If you haven't checked out HelloGiggles, go

Create a cat-eye effect with scotch tape and eyeliner.  As soon as I find my scotch tape I am trying this!

My print that got selected for sale on Society6!

What a great motto for a purpose driven life.

Creative and attractive way to give cash for a Christmas gift.
All of these great things can be found on my Weekly Faves board on Pinterest.  Be sure to check out my other awesome boards while you are there.  Also, a shout out to my #1 know who you are!  Stay tuned for some special Thanksgiving posts next week as well as a special Black Friday edition of Five Faves.  Have a fabulous weekend you guys!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Big Girls Don't Cry

Warning:  I am about to ruin your day.

I have noticed something happening with women my age that really confuses me.  Over the last week I have heard at least 5 different women talk about how they hate crying.  Well, it doesn't really confuse me...I understand why.  I used to feel that way too.  I didn't want anyone to see me cry, least of all my family.  It was easy to control before I hit puberty, but once that happened all hell broke loose.  I devised a plan where if I needed to cry, I would hold it in and then go take a shower and cry in the shower.  I know...that was messed up.  And I'm pretty sure I wasn't fooling anyone, I mean, every time I watched Titanic I took a shower.  Surely someone connected the dots.  So ladies, I totally relate to not wanting to cry.

I think though, it is the feeling of vulnerability that we hate, not the act of crying itself.  We are told by society that we need to "toughen up" or "never let them see you sweat".  Or perhaps it's that "Ugh...I can't believe I let him/her/them/that get to me!", that feeling of letting someone in so deep that a negative action on their part can evoke that response in us.  But you know what, it's ok.  It means that you really, truly cared about something or someone passionately.  That is a good thing, as a matter of fact, it's the best thing.  And furthermore ladies, we were created to be compassionate, relational, emotional creatures.  When we allow ourselves to journey to that vulnerable place we are embracing our true, beautiful nature.  Not to mention the act of crying is very therapeutic and good for relieving stress.

So ladies, I say let it out.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Five Fave Friday

Guys, I have a confession.  I spend more time on the internet than should be allowed by law.  I love the internet. It is such a wonderful tool that has opened up the entire world to us...even parts that probably shouldn't have been opened up.  So, since I spend so much time on here, I thought I would start a new weekly post called Five Fave Friday to share with all of you my five most favorite things I came across this week.  I even created a board on Pinterest for them.  So...without further ado, here are my five faves of the week.

I had no idea this guy was a celebrity, but his blog post melted my heart.

Chicken No-Peek.  Looks so yummy, can't wait to try it!

Muppet cupcakes!  Who wouldn't love these?  Can't wait for the new movie.

I tried this earlier in the week, and it worked!  All you do is leave a sock bun in your hair overnight.

This is such an awesome piece of art.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I Found It!

Something else to cross off my 12 By 2012 list...I found a church to call home!  I am so joyful about this...I can't stop smiling.  Bonus: They need help in their Early Childhood Ministry, particularly fave age group.  God is so good!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Progress Report

About 2 weeks ago I posted a list and a challenge for my readers.  It is a list of 12 things that I want to accomplish by the end of the year, you can click here to read my 12 by 2012 post.  Last weekend I completed 2 more items on my list, and continued working on the others.  Planning my mission trip for next year, which is the biggest task on my list, is coming along nicely.  I still have a TON to get in steps, baby steps.  I keep praying for the Lord to prepare me and help me stay on task, and I know He is.  You can read my post about my mission trip here.  I also visited a church this week with a friend.  It was only for a small group discussion, but the people were so friendly and welcomed me with open arms.  I want to go to a few services first before I decide if I want to make this church my home.

Now, let's talk about what I accomplished!  Last weekend I baked the cupcakes that I wanted to try.  I have baked plenty of cakes and a few of them have been from scratch.  I have a mouth full of sweet teeth and asking me to pick a favorite cake is like asking...ok, I can't think of a good comparison, but I really like sweets.  One of my faves has always been strawberry cake.  So, when I found a recipe to make strawberry cake from scratch, I decided I had to try it.  Despite a few set backs (a mixer that broke about half way through and 13 year old baking powder to name a few...what?  Are you gonna put on your shoes and drive to the grocery to buy a 99 cent container of baking powder or are you gonna wing it?  That's what I thought.) it turned out pretty good.  They kinda tasted like strawberry muffins, not as sweet as I would expect for a cake.  They were also a little dense, but that can probably be attributed to the 13 year old baking powder that I was too lazy to replace and the fact that I did not use cake flour, nor did I sift the flour I did use.  This post is revealing more about my laziness than I anticipated.  Sheesh.

In addition to baking the cupcakes from scratch, I also made the amazing frosting to top them off.  What constitutes amazing frosting?  How about a whole jar of hot fudge topping!  (This post is also revealing more about my eating habits than I anticipated.)  I didn't use my original buttercream frosting recipe, but this one instead.  And...brace yourself for more of my slothful behavior...I opted not to make the butter to create the frosting.  I was really looking forward to trying that out, but dairy is expensive!

All in all, the cupcakes were delicious, though I chose an unfortunate method of decorating them.  And now, I only have 6 more items to mark off my list!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Change Will Do You Good

I just have to say that I am pretty proud of myself.

When I started this blog back in April I knew 2 things for sure, 1) I wanted to use it to showcase my photography, and 2) I would probably abandon it after about a month out of boredom, like I have done with so many guys blogs in the past.  While it has morphed from my original concept of showcasing my photography in to more of a commentary on life, I have been very faithful about keeping up with it.  Just wanted to give myself an internet high-five on this amazingly beautiful fall Saturday.

Oh Liz Lemon, you so crazy!
Image via
I believe the time is approaching for me to have an actual template made for my blog.  Something unique that reflects my style, my style of writing, and my readers.  What do you guys think?  Any suggestions?  I'd love to hear from you!  I thrive on feedback.

Tomorrow I'll be posting an update on my 12 by 2012 list, and soon I'll be posting my first tutorial!  Thanks to all my readers, you guys are the best.  This high-five is for you too ;-)


Friday, October 21, 2011

A Heart Too Big, A Wallet Too Small, And Time Too Short

Boys from Sarah's Covenant Homes.  Courtesy of

In my previous entry, I posted a list of 12 things that I hope to accomplish by the end of the year.  My 12 by 2012 list.  I am happy to report that I have been able to check some items off that list.  My inbox is now empty and I plan on keeping it that way.  Wednesday I  took the items I cleaned out of my closet over the summer to Goodwill (finally).  And I think I may have found a new gym.  This weekend I am going to make the cupcakes I mentioned, and the frosting.  Sing with me "Nobody's gonna break my stride.  Nobody's gonna slow me down.  Oh no!"  Wait!  I just had an awesome idea...I should be taking pictures of all this so I can make an awesome 80s montage for you guys!  "Please no!" you say?  Fine...your loss.  Your loss.

Moving on.  As you can see, I am making some great head way on my list.  Of the 12 items on my list, the one that is most important to me (and will probably be the last to get checked off) is planning a mission/volunteer trip for next year.  You guys, I have seriously spent every bit of spare time I had over this last week praying about this and googling my little heart out.  This is something I have wanted to do for so long now, I would say it's been weighing on my heart for at least the last 10 years.  My friend Jade over at Adventures of a Gringa in Guate... (check her blog out...she is incredibly talented!) has inspired me to follow my heart and finally start making this a reality.  Really, I feel it is more than just following my heart, this is something I am being called to do, and I can't ignore it any longer.  Anyone who knows me knows I am a very tender-hearted and compassionate person.  I've always had a heart for the broken-hearted, and for the longest time I thought it was a curse.  All I wanted to do was help those people, to love them and comfort them, to show them that they are not alone.  My heart was too big, my wallet was too small, and I was always in a hurry.  And I must confess, even when I started researching, I thought "This just hurts.  I want to help so bad, but I'll never come up with the money to do this.  And I can't take off will I pay my bills?"  

Then I found this:

This broke me.  My heart burst with joy and sadness all at once.  (Us ladies are crazy like that.)  I had to find out where these boys were from.  A quick Google search later and I found Sarah's Covenant Homes, India.  This organization offers family-style homes for physically and developmentally disabled children in Ongole, India.  The children that they serve were either abandoned or relinquished by their parents to the state.  In India, disabled children are the most likely to be abandoned and the least likely to be adopted.  There are restrictions that have been imposed which make it very hard for foreigners to adopt any Indian children.  This story in particular crushed me.  (I know you guys are getting tired of the phrase "broke my heart"...thought I'd change it up for your sake.)  

I finally found where my heart belongs.  It belongs in India, and it belongs to the orphans.  The neediest of all the orphans of India, the disabled.  I found an organization called Adventures In Missions that I have decided to plan my trip through.  The mission I would like to go on is scheduled for 10 days at the beginning of April.  I am still praying about it.  I am ready to go, but scared to death.  I'm only employed part-time right now, so I don't have health insurance.  I would need to get a passport, all kinds of immunizations I'm sure too.  Then there is the money... approximately $1500 by the end of January.  It's overwhelming.  Oh, and, my family thinks I'm nuts.  Always comforting.  I also found another mission that I would like to go on.  This one is probably what gave my family the idea that I am crazy.  It's called  The World Race.  11 countries in 11 months.  This one excites me beyond belief...and terrifies me beyond belief.  I think I am going to go for it though in 2013.  It's a little more daunting from a financial standpoint.  We'll consider India to be my Rocky Mountains and The World Race to be my Mount Everest.  Here's hoping I make it to the summit.

If you would like to learn more about Sarah's Covenant Homes or the Share 11 project, click here.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

12 By 2012

Alright, it's time for me to be honest...I am a procrastinator.  I blame it on the artist in me.  I can't create without inspiration, therefore I spend my time waiting to be inspired to do anything.  Even typing that I know it's a load of rationalized crap.  One of my favorite ways to procrastinate is by reading blogs.  While reading one of my faves the other day, The Small Things Blog, I came across a post that inspired me to actually take action on a few things that I want to accomplish.

It's called the 12 By 2012 project and was actually started by another lovely lady that I started following, Danni at Hello, Friend.  The idea is to make a list of 12 things that you would like to accomplish before December 31, 2011.  They can be big or small, it doesn't matter, just 12 things you want to get done before the end of the year.

Here is my list:
(I love making lists)

***Update: I marked off the things I have accomplished so far.  You can check here and here to read about my progress.***

1. Post at least one blog entry each week.
- Kinda failed at this one.  I did fairly well until about a week before Christmas.

2. Plan my first mission trip/volunteer adventure entirely.
- Crossing this one off.  Even though it wasn't fully funded, it was still planned entirely.

3. Register for the 2012 Flying Pig Half Marathon.
- I didn't get registered by the end of 2011, but myself and 3 other friends have decided to compete in the 4-person relay instead.  I am so excited...I can't stand it!!

4. Finish the scarf I started knitting.
- Alas, I did not finish it.  However, I did get further along than I ever have before.  An accomplishment in my book.

5. Clean out my inbox.

6. Take the stuff I cleaned out of my closet this summer to Goodwill.  Finally.

7. Find a new gym.

8. Make cupcakes using this recipe.

9. Make my own butter and then use it to make yummy butter cream frosting for cupcakes.

10. Visit my family in Tennessee.
- Didn't make before 2012, but shortly after the start.

11. Find a new home church.

12. Finish outlining the children's book I am writing.
- Ummm...yeah.  Writers block.

There it is.  I put it out there for the world to see so now I have to do it!  I will post an update each week, and would appreciate any encouragement.  To my fellow bloggers, if you would like to participate in this simply create a post with your 12 By 2012.  Then visit this post at Hello, Friend and leave a comment with a link to your post.  Danni is creating a list of everyone who is participating so that we can encourage each other and be accountable.  I think this is pretty cool and I hope you will participate!

I have 11 weeks left to accomplish my 12...pssh...I got this!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Domestically Disabled

It's fun-day Sunday!  That means nothing pithy or artsy today dear readers...all 3 of you.  I just want to make sure that you know...not all maple syrup containers are meant to be microwaved.  Case in point:
Even my coffee mug knows it...
I had a more catastrophic experience with a plastic cup of dipping sauce from my local pizza place.  I had to buy a new microwave after that one.  I know I can't be the only person who does stuff like this.  Help me not feel so challenged by leaving a comment about your domestic fail.

Yours 'til Niagara Falls,

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bloggy Went a Courtin'...

Hi friend!  It's been a while.  What have I been up to?  Oh, you know...this and that.  I'm moving ahead with my plans to relocate.  I am so very excited...I love new places, people and things!  I will say this, it is going to be hard to leave behind the friends I have made here.  You never really realize what you have until you're about to lose it (or in my case, leave it).  Each of them has taught me something about myself and the world around me, they've given a new perspective.  The past 12 months have been tough, especially not being near my family and dear, old friends, but the friends I have here have gotten me through relatively unscathed.  God puts people in our lives to help us and to challenge us, to give us what we need and teach us what we need to learn about Him, ourselves, and others.  I've done alot of growing over these months and there is more to come.  The things I have learned from my new friends will no doubt be invaluable.  I thank God for you when I say my prayers, each of you holds a special place in my heart and I love you dearly.  Please know I sincerely mean that from the bottom of my heart. 

Now, so the title of this blog is not totally unrelated to its content, here is a picture that I took of a frog.  Get it?  You know the song, right?

Later tater,

Monday, April 25, 2011

P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney

Right now you're thinking, "I love that movie!".  Yeah, me too iguana.  These were taken on a trip to my local aquarium.  I love all the colors, they're just so bright and fun!  It reminds me of warm, sunny days that seem so far away from the gross, rainy ones we have right now.   I only wish I didn't have an irrational fear of snorkels.

I'm starting to get things in order for my big move in the fall.  This is so exciting!  I love adventures.  I feel like Mary Tyler Moore...I'm gonna make it after all!  :-)

Stay thirsty my friends,


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Take Good Care Of Your Feet, Pete

I know, most of the time when people take pictures of feet they are drunk.  I took these on purpose, completely sober.  Call it artistic perspective.  I like them.  And they look super cool in B & W.

Traffic to my blog is picking up nicely, if you like what you see be sure to tell your friends!  I need more practice photographing people other than myself, so if you are in the Cincy area and would like to help out let me know by leaving a comment.  No charge for now!  Aaaaannnnnddd...bonus points for you if you know where the title of the this post came from and you post it in a comment!
Later tater,


This little piggy had roast beef...

This little piggy had none...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Timmy's In a Well?!?

Look at that could you not love Magpie?  This isn't my dog, this fine canine belongs to my friend.  She is such a ham...I mean look at her!  She was totally vamping for the camera.  I captured this little gem with my Cannon Rebel.  Love that bad boy! 

Now my ADD is urging me to tell you, on a totally unrelated side note, that I have made some pretty big decsions this week and I have decided to relocate in the fall.  I am super excited, it's gonna be a wild ride!  That is what makes life worth living though.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

How Much Is That Bloggy In the Window...

It's Fun Day Sunday!  Nothing artistic today, I just love this picture of my dog.  Well, he used to be my dog anyway.  He was awesome!  I think he was dancing for a hamburger.  Fresh from the grill. . . who wouldn't do a silly dance?  I am super looking forward to the summer, so much to do. . .starting with a trip to Kings Island!  Maybe I'll hit up the Warped Tour too.  It's gonna be epic!

Lots of props to my follower :-)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Oh, the Places I Go!

Chicago!  Chicago! Something, something something...I don't know the whole song.  I captured these images on a trip guessed!  A certain midwestern town that starts with "C", ends with "O" and has "hicag" in the middle, where Ditka and Jordan are worshiped.  Chicago.  Da Bullsss, da Bullsss, da Bullsss, da Bullsss!  Alright, got that out of my system.  I took these with my point and shoot, and I must say they are among the favorites of the photos I've taken.  From the top we have the Navy Pier ferris wheel, an awesome street sign that I have never seen in any other city, and a view of LaSalle Street over the Chicago River.  Aahh, I can't wait to go back when it's warmer!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Numero Uno

I've never been good about keeping up with these things, but I'll give it the ol' college try again...even though I'm not enrolled in classes right now.  On the advice of a friend, I am going to use this to share my photography.  The first photo I have chosen to share is one I took while on a walk in the fall of 2009.  Can you believe the leaves just fell like that?  Yeah, me neither.  I really enjoy the beauty that the world around us has to offer.  I like to capture the beauty of the everyday, the little things that people take for granted.