Monday, June 3, 2013

Mask Off

Here is the truth about my identity: 

I'm not guilty and there is no condemnation waiting for me. I am free, sanctified, acceptable, righteous, blameless and holy because of Christ. I will be made alive at the resurrection. I am a new creation that has received God's righteousness and am one in Christ with all believers. I am blessed abundantly with every spiritual blessing through him. I am a child of the one, true, King. My sins are taken away, I am forgiven and under Christ's authority I belong to God, marked by the Holy Spirit and have been raised up to sit with Christ in glory. I am God's work of art and near him always. I share in the promise of blessings because of Christ. And because of Christ I can come boldly, with freedom and confidence into the presence of God. I am a member of the church, the hands and feet of Jesus. I am complete and set free from my sinful nature. I will have eternal glory because I have confessed with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that God raised him from the dead.

The wonderful thing is, this can be your identity too.