I bet you thought I forgot, didn't you? Well, I didn't! I was too wrapped up in my Harry Potter marathon to concern myself with creating this post until I was finished. I watched all 8 films, back to back. This is going to be my new Thanksgiving tradition I think. Also, in case any of you are wondering, I am so Team Harry & Hermione! They should be together, J.K. Rowling! Ok, now on with my purpose. I was going to do a special Black Friday edition of Five Fave Friday, but I'm not really a Black Friday kinda girl. So, here are my faves from the week of 11/8-11/25. They are pinned here on Pinterest. Enjoy!
HelloGiggles is on the list 2 weeks in a row! They finally have their shop set up. Yay!
I <3 Fred Savage. Who doesn't?
Totes adorbs! Trying it this weekend.
Hahahaha! I would own this. I think I'll make a bank that says "I'm saving up to buy a bank that says 'I'm savin' up to buy a unicorn'"
Here you go...my five favorite things from the internets this week!
One of my all-time fave websites now has a forum! I will waste even more time now. If you haven't checked out HelloGiggles, go there...now.
Create a cat-eye effect with scotch tape and eyeliner. As soon as I find my scotch tape I am trying this!
My print that got selected for sale on Society6!
What a great motto for a purpose driven life.
Creative and attractive way to give cash for a Christmas gift.
All of these great things can be found on my Weekly Faves board on Pinterest. Be sure to check out my other awesome boards while you are there. Also, a shout out to my #1 fan...you know who you are! Stay tuned for some special Thanksgiving posts next week as well as a special Black Friday edition of Five Faves. Have a fabulous weekend you guys!
I have noticed something happening with women my age that really confuses me. Over the last week I have heard at least 5 different women talk about how they hate crying. Well, it doesn't really confuse me...I understand why. I used to feel that way too. I didn't want anyone to see me cry, least of all my family. It was easy to control before I hit puberty, but once that happened all hell broke loose. I devised a plan where if I needed to cry, I would hold it in and then go take a shower and cry in the shower. I know...that was messed up. And I'm pretty sure I wasn't fooling anyone, I mean, every time I watched Titanic I took a shower. Surely someone connected the dots. So ladies, I totally relate to not wanting to cry.
I think though, it is the feeling of vulnerability that we hate, not the act of crying itself. We are told by society that we need to "toughen up" or "never let them see you sweat". Or perhaps it's that "Ugh...I can't believe I let him/her/them/that get to me!", that feeling of letting someone in so deep that a negative action on their part can evoke that response in us. But you know what, it's ok. It means that you really, truly cared about something or someone passionately. That is a good thing, as a matter of fact, it's the best thing. And furthermore ladies, we were created to be compassionate, relational, emotional creatures. When we allow ourselves to journey to that vulnerable place we are embracing our true, beautiful nature. Not to mention the act of crying is very therapeutic and good for relieving stress.
Guys, I have a confession. I spend more time on the internet than should be allowed by law. I love the internet. It is such a wonderful tool that has opened up the entire world to us...even parts that probably shouldn't have been opened up. So, since I spend so much time on here, I thought I would start a new weekly post called Five Fave Friday to share with all of you my five most favorite things I came across this week. I even created a board on Pinterest for them. So...without further ado, here are my five faves of the week.
I had no idea this guy was a celebrity, but his blog post melted my heart.
Something else to cross off my 12 By 2012 list...I found a church to call home! I am so joyful about this...I can't stop smiling. Bonus: They need help in their Early Childhood Ministry, particularly pre-K...my fave age group. God is so good!